Hansson, Helena
- Institutionen för ekonomi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Rapport2023Öppen tillgång
Hansson, Helena; Röös, Elin; Säll, Sarah; Abouhatab, Assem; Ahlgren, Serina; Berggren, Åsa; Hallström, Ellinor; Lundqvist, Peter; Magnusson, Ulf; Persson, U. Martin; Rydhmer, Lotta; Tidåker, Pernilla; Winkvist, Anna; Zhu, Li-Hua
Being able to assess the sustainability of food systems is central to evaluate policy
implemented to remedy their sustainability problems, to monitor performance over time
and to function as input to policy makers’ decisions. This report introduces a catalogue of
suggested themes, sub-themes and indicators for assessing food system sustainability in
Sweden. The themes, sub-themes and indicators builds on previous work that developed
food system sustainability frameworks, mainly Hebinck et al. (2021) who suggests an
integrated framework for food system sustainability assessment building on a
comprehensive review of the literature.
From a conceptual perspective, the report builds on a model developed by Mistra Food
Futures researchers in 2022 - 23 (Hansson et al., 2023), where a food system sustainability
framework for Sweden is suggested to take the form of a Food System Sustainability House
(Fig 1). The Food System Sustainability House is developed around the following key
assumptions about a sustainable food system:
provide healthy, safe and adequate diets for all. In addition, the food system
should be just, ethical and equitable. These two aspects form the ceiling of the
food system.
actions and behaviors within the system. The environmental foundations are
central for future continuous food security, and the food system has to rest upon a
functioning ecosystem foundation.
To this end, we need companies that can produce raw material and food, and
policy that can ensure, that external effects by the food system actors are taken
into considerations by actors in their decision-making. This implies that the
external effects are internalized. The economic indicators developed for the Food
System Sustainability House for Sweden are designed to measure performance in
relation to this overall function of the system. The economic system, separated
between enablers for producers and consumers on the one hand side and
governance on the other hand side, functions as ‘walls’ in the system, connecting
the floor with the ceiling.
The report now continues by introducing and motivating themes and indicators to assess
food system sustainability based on the Food System Sustainability House. The themes and
indicators are adapted for the Swedish food system.
For each indicator, we give suggestions for official and what we call science-based
targets. Official targets are targets currently reflected in official policy documents. Such
are currently lacking for most of the indicators.
Each indicator are also classified using the Driver (D)-Pressure (P)-State (S)-Impact (I)-
Response (R) framework (Kristensen, 2004). This framework illustrate where along the
cause-effect chain indicators are located. Drivers include the human activities that drive
pressures (e.g. natural resource use, emissions) that lead to a change in the socioeconomic
and ecological state and impacts on these systems that eventually lead to societal responses
(e.g. policy responses).
Mistra Food Futures Report
2023, nummer: 14
Utgivare: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences