Slijper, Thomas
- Wageningen University & Research
Soriano, Bárbara; Bardají, Isabel; Buitenhuis, Yannick
The concept of resilience is gaining importance to address the ability of farming systems (FSs) to deal with the increasing and interconnected challenges. Assessing FSs’ resilience is a complex issue that can benefit from the stakeholders involvement through a co-creation methodology(Prahalad, C.K. and Ramaswamy, 2004; Romero and Molina, 2009; Füller, Hutter and Faullant, 2011). Co-creation activities can be conducted in physical and virtual modes. Focus groups and workshops are traditional physical meetings. Digital platforms are rapidly gaining ground providing stakeholders a new space for interaction, information and opinion sharing. The aim of this paper is to address how European FSs’ resilience assessment can benefit from involving stakeholders using a multi-scale co-creation methodology. The co-creation activities were organized at two different spatial scales ⎯ regional and European scales ⎯ and combined physical and online stakeholder deliberations. Replication of participatory processes at multiple scales increases validity through comparison/triangulation and effectiveness as more relevant stakeholders can be involved.
The aim of this paper is to address how European FSs’ resilience assessment can benefit from involving stakeholders using a multi-scale co-creation methodology. The co-creation activities were organized at two different spatial scales ⎯ regional and European scales ⎯ and combined physical and online stakeholder deliberations. Replication of participatory processes at multiple scales increases validity through comparison/triangulation and effectiveness as more relevant stakeholders can be involved.
Utgivare: EAAE
178th EAAE online Seminar, Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe, 18-20th May, 2024, Online