Wahlgren, Ingela
- SLU-biblioteket, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Konferensartikel2024Öppen tillgång
Wahlgren, Ingela
For several years now the SLU University Library in Sweden has worked actively with user-centred research and design for the purpose of library development. One of the goals in our current strategy is that by 2025 the library ‘should become a hub for the university’s work with user-centred methods and will be characterised by an approach that centres the user perspective.’ To work towards this goal, the library has developed a service design course, aimed at all staff at the university. (Further below I will explain why we chose to call this endeavour a ‘service design course’ rather than a ‘UX course’.) The course has so far been offered and run during two semesters, in the spring and autumn of 2022, with 18 participants having completed the course. The aim was to raise awareness and the general skill level within the subject area, as well as bringing together colleagues from different parts of the university. Participants have come from the library, the communications department and student services, as well as administrative staff at the academic faculties.
Titel: User Experience in Libraries: Yearbook 2024
Utgivare: UXLibs
User Experience in Libraries (UXlibs) 7, 7-8 juni 2023, Brighton, UK.