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Review article2024Peer reviewed

Remote sensing approaches to monitor tropical forest restoration: Current methods and future possibilities

de Almeida, Danilo R. A.; Vedovato, Laura B.; Fuza, Matheus; Molin, Paulo; Cassol, Henrique; Resende, Angelica F.; Krainovic, Pedro M.; de Almeida, Catherine T.; Amaral, Cibele; Haneda, Leo; Albuquerque, Rafael W.; Gorgens, Eric; Romanelli, Joao; Ferreira, Matheus; Salk, Carl; Espinoza, Nikolai; Silva, Carlos; Broadbent, Eben; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.


Tropical forests are increasingly threatened by deforestation and degradation, impacting carbon storage, climate regulations and biodiversity. Restoring these ecosystems is crucial for environmental sustainability, yet monitoring these efforts poses significant challenges. Secondary forests are in a constant state of flux, with growth depending on multiple factors. Remote sensing technologies offer cost-effective, scalable and transferable solutions, advancing forest restoration monitoring towards more accurate, efficient and real-time data analysis and interpretation. This review provides a comprehensive evaluation of the current state and advancements in remote sensing technologies applied to monitoring tropical forest restoration. Synthesis and applications: This review brings together the state of the art of remote sensing technologies, such as very-high-resolution RGB imagery, multi- and hyperspectral imaging, lidar, radar and thermal-infrared technologies and their applicability in monitoring forest restoration. In conclusion, this review emphasizes the potential of remote sensing technologies, coupled with advanced computational techniques, to enhance global efforts towards effective and sustainable forest restoration monitoring.As florestas tropicais est & atilde;o cada vez mais amea & ccedil;adas pelo desmatamento e degrada & ccedil;& atilde;o, impactando o armazenamento de carbono, a regula & ccedil;& atilde;o do clima e a biodiversidade. Restaurar esses ecossistemas & eacute; crucial para a sustentabilidade ambiental, mas o monitoramento desses esfor & ccedil;os ainda apresenta grandes desafios. As florestas secund & aacute;rias est & atilde;o em constante mudan & ccedil;a, com seu crescimento dependendo de m & uacute;ltiplos fatores. As tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto oferecem solu & ccedil;& otilde;es econ & ocirc;micas, escal & aacute;veis e transfer & iacute;veis, avan & ccedil;ando o monitoramento da restaura & ccedil;& atilde;o florestal em dire & ccedil;& atilde;o a an & aacute;lises e interpreta & ccedil;& otilde;es de dados mais precisas, eficientes e em tempo real. Esta revis & atilde;o fornece uma avalia & ccedil;& atilde;o abrangente do estado atual e dos avan & ccedil;os nas tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto aplicadas ao monitoramento da restaura & ccedil;& atilde;o de florestas tropicais. S & iacute;ntese e aplica & ccedil;& otilde;es: Esta revis & atilde;o re & uacute;ne o estado da arte das tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto, como imagens RGB de alt & iacute;ssima resolu & ccedil;& atilde;o, imagens multiespectrais e hiperespectrais, lidar, radar e tecnologias de infravermelho termal, bem como suas aplicabilidades no monitoramento da restaura & ccedil;& atilde;o florestal. Em conclus & atilde;o, esta revis & atilde;o destaca o potencial das tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto, aliadas a t & eacute;cnicas computacionais avan & ccedil;adas, para aprimorar os esfor & ccedil;os globais em dire & ccedil;& atilde;o a um monitoramento eficaz e sustent & aacute;vel da restaura & ccedil;& atilde;o florestal.


biodiversity; carbon storage; effective monitoring; forest succession; remote sensors; secondary forests

Published in

Journal of Applied Ecology
Publisher: WILEY

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Remote Sensing
Forest Science

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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