Ingemarson, Fredrik
- Institutionen för skogens produkter, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Ingemarson, Fredrik
The organisations affected by the severe storm in southern Sweden 2005 have gained much experience useful for future forest management. The aim of this study was to describe the temporal aspect of counselling for small-scale forest owners after the storm. How well organised were the affected organisations, concerning this type of catastrophic incident? The results showed that the organisations were not prepared for such large damages and the extra amount of work. Qualitative methodology was used to describe the counselling for small-scale forest owners as assessed by professional foresters. Sixteen semi-structured open-ended interviews with professional foresters from different organisations in the affected region of Götaland were conducted and analysed. From the foresters acting and described course of events, the temporal acting of the organisations were divided into four phases of planning: the emergency phase, the reprocessing phase, the reflection phase, and finally, the future phase. The emergency phase consisted of the time closest to the storm and the coming three months. During this period, the actors worked hard to keep up existing business contacts net and develop new business relations. During the second phase, the storm organisations were organised and the amount of personnel reached the highest level. The reflection phase started nine months after the storm and was characterised by a decrease in emergency cases and personnel. There were temporal similarities in how the affected organisations solved the situation. The actions of the organisations after the storm followed a natural pattern from earlier experiences of solving catastrophic incidents. The results indicated that normal instructions were not enough to solve a situation such as this. During the future phase it was recommended that the organisations should develop risk management programs. Risk assessment of potential problems and crisis management practices assist in reducing tension and moral issues that emanate from crises
familjeskogsbruk; organisationsteori; riskhantering; rådgivning
Rapport (SLU, Institutionen för skogens produkter)
2007, nummer: 1
Utgivare: SLU/Skogens produkter