Hörndahl, Torsten
- Lantbrukets byggnadsteknik [LBT], Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Hörndahl, Torsten; Spörndly, Rolf; Nylund, Rainer; Algerbo, Per-Anders
The aim of these studies was to investigate whether or not there were any differences in seal integrity or quality in round bale silage depending on the time between stretch-film application and handling. 122 bales were rolled and wrapped on 4 occasions with a Vicon 1601 Kombibaler. The bales were made from a grass or clover/grass crop and pre-wiltet to the DM ranging from 35%-76% DM. Handling of the bales was done at 5 different times after baling: within 1 h, at approximately 3 h, at 24 h, after 3 days and after 10 days. A Trima Quadrigrip was used with enough gripping force to move the bales without them slipping. There was also one treatment where the bales were not handled at all. The seal integrity of the bales was measured at least 13 weeks after wrapping. The bales were then unwrapped, examined for yeast, mould and chemically analysed. A statistical analysis was made with time of handling and cut as variables for Least square means. The result shows no clear evidence that bales with DM higher than 40% would be better or worse to be gripped any time within the first 10 days after stretch-film application for. Bales with lower DM-content had less seal integrity when gripped at 3 and 24 hours after wrapping and should not be handled during this interval.
Utgivare: CIGR
Proceeding at the international conference of Agricultural Engineering, CIGR-AgEng 2012