Wilhelmsson, Erik
- Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Sarvašová, Zuzana; Aggestam, Filip; Ficko, Andrej; Pardos, Marta; Wilhelmsson, Erik; Velichkov, Ivaylo; Weinbacher, Gregor; Lexer, Manfred J.; Chauvin, Christophe; Lásková, Jana; Schwarz, Matej
Deliverable D3.1 is concerned with the identification and analysis of policies related to multifunctional mountain forest management. The deliverable is divided into two sub-tasks. WP3 Task 3.1.1 - macro-level policy framework - looked at European and international policies. Its aim was to collect and evaluate data from all trans- and international policies relevant to forest policies in mountain areas. The macro-level policy analysis utilised the ARANGE Forest Policy Database that contains legislation and policy documents that relates directly to forests, forest management and the mountain landscape. WP3 Task 3.1.2 - micro-level policy framework - analysed national policies. The analysis was based on Guidelines for national policy reports- National policy template (MS9). National policy reports were elaborated by each case country covered by the ARANGE project. All reports were compared and analysed, and the results from the micro-level analysis represents the second part of this deliverable.
ARANGE Deliverable
2013, nummer: D3.1
Statsvetenskap (exklusive studier av offentlig förvaltning och globaliseringsstudier)
Studier av offentlig förvaltning